Additional cities are now available in our US Cities Streets and ZIP Code Maps series, expanding the existing collections. This brings the coverage up to the top 50 US cities by population.
The ZIP code maps are generated at scales appropriate to include the entire city boundary, so features included vary by map. All maps include at major road network features, high level land use such as parks, waterways, and city names and boundaries. The smaller cities have street level features including extensive labelling on the street network and a variety of points of interest including schools, libraries, stadiums, museums, border crossings and more.
The street maps are all generated at scales of 1:25,000, with one exception at 1:20,000, covering the central urban areas of the cities. Map features include the road network with extensive labelling; land use such as parks, recreation areas, industrial and hospital campuses; and a variety of points of interest including schools, libraries, stadiums, museums, border crossings and more.
The new cities included in our catalog are:
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Arlington, Texas
Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore, Maryland
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Fresno, California
Kansas City, Missouri
Las Vegas, Nevada
Long Beach, California
Louisville, Kentucky
Mesa, Arizona
Miami, Florida
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minneapolis, Minnesota
New Orleans, Louisiana
Oakland, California
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Omaha, Nebraska
Portland, Oregon
Raleigh, North Carolina
Sacramento, California
Tucson, Arizona
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Wichita, Kansas
The base maps for these print on demand maps are our custom maps "USA Streets" and "USA ZIP Codes". If you are interested in a region not yet covered by these series, you can visit one of our retail partners, or
Click here for the full listing of print on demand maps available from MapSherpa.
