We have added 49 new maps to the MapSherpa print on demand collection. These maps are of the 25 largest US cities by population. All cities except Washington, DC have both a landscape and portrait orientation option available.
These street-level maps are generated at a ground scale of 1:25,000 and are of the central urban area of the cities. Map features include the road network with extensive labelling; land use such as parks, recreation areas, industrial and hospital campuses; and a variety of points of interest including schools, libraries, stadiums, museums, border crossings and more.
The base for these print on demand maps is our custom map "USA Streets" product. If you are interested in another region not yet covered by this print on demand series, you can visit one of our retail partners.
These maps are available from our retail partners.
Click here to see the full listing of Print on Demand maps available from MapSherpa.
